Ирина Турченко «Игра в слова» Патисипаторная инсталляция
Набор кубиков с необычной историей: буквы на кубиках – это кусочки тех мест, куда бы хотели поехать мои друзья, но из-за пандемии не смогли. Зрителям же предлагается написать город своей мечты или просто оставить послание. Работа получилась живая, и каждый раз она будет смотреться по-разному. |
Irina Turchenko
Word-Building Game Participatory installation
This is a set of cubes with an unusual story: the letters on the cubes stand for pieces of places where my friends would have liked to go, but could not because of the pandemic. Using What 3 Words app, I collected their cities-to-visit, or, to be more precise, the words associated with them, They I transferred them to the cubes. It resulted in a kind of travel map. For me, the opportunity to see the world is like a grasp of fresh air. The existing traveling restrictions are especially painful for me now.
The viewers are to write their dream cities or simply leave their own message using the cubes. The project is alive and it will transform to look different every time. |