Анна Куняева «Мир в коробке» Керамика
Автор взяла в руки глину, первым делом слепила динозавра: с большим гребнем и раскрытой пастью, он был и бодрым, и радостным, и агрессивным одновременно. Через керамику автору важно взаимодействовать с образами редких, древних и фантазийных животных. В каком-то смысле – играть. |
Anna Kunyaeva
World in a Box Ceramics
The author took clay in her hands and the first object she molded was a dinosaur. It had a large crest and an open mouth, thus seeming cheerful, joyful, and aggressive at the same time. It is important for the author to interact with images of rare, ancient, and fantasy animals through ceramics. In some way, it is like playing.
The author invites the viewers to immerse themselves into the same state of curiosity and openness.
The viewers will find dinosaur figures placed in a transparent container. They are either standing in the sand or buried in it. The author invites the viewers to contribute to exposition by freely rearranging the figures, establishing interaction between them, and, perhaps, digging up something unexpected.
The figures are made of chamotte, glazed, and tinted with oxides. The generalized forms and emphasized texture of the material immerse the viewers into the archaic and at the same time tangible world of something familiar yet forgotten. It might remind someone of the experience of playing as a child. |